Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Sister

My sister, Beth, came over today and needed some "picture perfect" shots of her new baby (Baby Kate, who Audrey so wanted to be named Lucy Lou Lou) for her blog. Well, I have them here first. LOL. Her baby is 3 weeks old and really is a miracle baby! It is SO nice to have a little baby around, especially since mine is now 3 years old! Beth is an amazing mom (as you can tell from the shots!) Enjoy! (and if you now need me to come over and take pictures of your kids because you are deeply impressed with my picture skills, sure, I take Diet Cokes as payment).


Carrie said...

She is beautiful! You did a great job with the picture taking! Tell Beth congratulations!

Candice Carter said...

So cute..... tell Beth congrats!!

Hello World

 I haven't had time to write in about two years. My daughter said to update my thousands of followers.  Hello World! It's me, Debbie...