Thursday, April 1, 2010

Life is Sporadic

My sister, Beth, was talking to me on a Wednesday and said, let's go to California for Katie's baby shower on Friday... Tyler had the weekend off so I thought, Ok, makes sense. So we packed in the car and took our babies (we'll I took Audrey who is 5) and headed back home to South Pasadena. The ride down was fantastic (if you count that I almost got hit by a semi because the snow was so hard that I couldn't see anything in front of me or that we had to stop for the bathroom every other exit), but it was great. I guess you can't go wrong when you are blasting Spice Girls and Bon Jovi. We got to South Pas on Friday around noon and did the whole "high school" thing... swung by Carmines, got a Diet Coke at McDonald's, got a curly donut from Winchells, ate at Beef Bowl... and the pounds were packing on. Actually, I think the most exciting part about being "home" was that right when we got out of the car... we just sat on the grass for about 2 hours in the sun. HOLY MOLEY, the weather rocks. And I might add that I have smokin' hot hair in California, I don't know why... it just always looks great. We went to the beach and ate some more... overall, it was totally a wicked vacation for a day in a half...

Audre with her sea glass... Thanks Leah!

What a cute belly, Katie!
Baby Kate... she LOVES me!
Sisters, sisters!
Audre picked some flowers... big surprise.

Leah, I love this photo... I am going to canvas it when it goes on sale. Lol.


Christina Sederberg said...

cute pictures!

Lytles said...

I'm glad you had a great time in the sun! Great pics!

Hello World

 I haven't had time to write in about two years. My daughter said to update my thousands of followers.  Hello World! It's me, Debbie...